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Grafiti - SigmaPlot

Grafiti - SigmaPlot

Product Information

Publisher: Grafiti
Analyze and graph your data exactly
SigmaPlot graphing software takes you beyond simple spreadsheets to help you show off your work clearly and precisely.



SigmaPlot makes it easier for you to present your findings accurately using precise, publication-quality graphs, data analysis and presentation tools. SigmaPlot offers numerous scientific options such as automatic error bars, regression lines, confidence intervals, axis breaks, technical axis scales, nonlinear curve fitting and a data worksheet for powerful data handling.

SigmaPlot is a state-of-the-art technical graphing program designed for the Windows platform. It is certified for Microsoft Office 98, 2000, Windows Vista, Windows XP, and Windows 7. SigmaPlot is specifically designed to aid in documenting and publishing research, specializing in the graphical presentation of results.

Creating and editing graphs is easy. Just click the Create Graph tab, select a graph type, and pick your data with the Graph Wizard, and you can create a graph in seconds. You can create a formatted worksheet, or use templates or the Graph Style Gallery to apply favorite graphs again and again. SigmaPlot also includes a powerful nonlinear curve fitter, a huge scientific data worksheet that accommodates large data sets, summary statistics including SigmaStat's entire test collection, a mathematical transform language, and much more.

OLE2 technology is fully supported. You can annotate graphs with the Microsoft Word Equation Editor, edit your graphs directly inside Word or PowerPoint, or plot your data with an Excel spreadsheet right inside SigmaPlot.